Applied Science Professionals LLC
Gary Marlin SANDQUIST |
and Owner of Applied Science Professionals (ASP-LLC) |
OTHER POSITIONS (Past & Present) |
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Registered Professional Engineer (Nuclear Engineering: CA; Mechanical Engineer: UT, MN, NY; Structural: UT)
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American Board Certified Health Physicist (AB-CHP)
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Licensed Senior Reactor Operator (U.S. NRC)
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Certified Quality Auditor (ASQ), Registrar Accreditation Board Certified Provisional Auditor (RAB)
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Nuclear Science Expert for United Nations, International Atomic Energy Agency (UN-IAEA)
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Technical Speaker, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)
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Scientist & Quality Assurance Officer - URS Corporation
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Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah
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Professor of Physics, U.S. Military Academy, West Point
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Adjunct Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Utah
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Professor, Affiliate Faculty, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho
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Observer, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
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ANS, ASME, ASEE, HPS, ASQ, Pi Tau Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi,
Alpha Nu Sigma
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Commander, U.S. Naval Reserve - Retired (USNR)
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Fellow of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) |
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Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME)
Born 19 April 1936 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA,
US Citizen |
and scientific support for industry, state, U.S. Federal government,
and international agencies, universities, technical organizations,
Science Professionals-LLC (ASP / LLC),
S Corporation registered in Utah
P.O. Box 9052, Salt Lake City, Utah 84109-0052, USA |
801 209-2691, (ASP/LLC Fax) 801 904-4100,
(residence) 801-273-0200 |
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Ph.D. Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Minor - Mathematics, University of Utah, 1964
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MBA Executive-Masters Degree in Business Administration, University of Utah, 1995
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Engineering Science, University of California Berkeley, 1961
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B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, 1960
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Postdoctoral Fellow, Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Fusion Program, Mass Institute of Technology, 1969 - 1970
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Technion University, Nuclear Engineering Department, Haifa, Israel,
May - Jun 1986
Ben Gurion University-Negev, Nuclear Engineering Department, Beer
Sheva, Israel, Jan-May 1986
to industry, state & U.S. Federal government, and international
agencies, universities, technical organizations, individuals
science & engineering, Risk management programs, Radioactive
& hazardous waste management, Health physics,
Risk assessment and management, Nuclear reactor safety, Environmental
/ Radiological monitoring. Contaminated site & facility characterization
& final status surveys (MARSSIM), Quality assurance audits |
Program Manager or Principal Investigator for over 50 Contracts &
Grants totaling over $17 million.
Clients include DOE, DOD, EPA, EPRI, NIH, NRC, NSF, Utilities, Industry,
State & Local Government
Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, Jul 1965 - 1997
Visiting Professor of Physics, U.S. Military Academy, Jul 2003
Jun 2005 Nuclear Engineering, MIT, Sep 1969-Aug
Visiting Professor, Nuclear Engineering Department, Ben Gurion University-Negev,
Jan-Jun 1986 |
Publications in nuclear science, engineering, energy, health physics, and environmental sciences: |
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7 Books and Book chapters |
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refereed Journal, Proceedings, Conference & Transactions Articles |
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Technical Papers orally presented at Technical, Scientific, and
Government Meetings |
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Technical Reports |
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Developed 17 major Technical Computer Codes used in industry and by government agencies |
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in 201 Technical Meetings, Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Government
Hearings |
Listed in 45 directories and citations and honors including |
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Who's Who in America, American Men & Women of Science, Who's Who in Atoms, |
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Who's Who in Engineering, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Who's Who in the West, |
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International Who's Who in Education, Who's Who in Nuclear Energy, Who's Who in the World |
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Whos Publishing in Science, Whos Who in American Education, Whos Who in the United States |
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International Directory of Nuclear Criticality Safety, Who's Who Registry of Business Leaders |
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Directory of Nuclear Safety, Directory of World Researchers, National
Faculty Directory |