Applied Science Professionals LLC



  TITLE Manager and Owner of Applied Science Professionals (ASP-LLC)

  OTHER POSITIONS (Past & Present)
° Registered Professional Engineer (Nuclear Engineering: CA; Mechanical Engineer: UT, MN, NY; Structural: UT)
° American Board Certified Health Physicist (AB-CHP)
° Licensed Senior Reactor Operator (U.S. NRC)
° Certified Quality Auditor (ASQ), Registrar Accreditation Board Certified Provisional Auditor (RAB)
° Nuclear Science Expert for United Nations, International Atomic Energy Agency (UN-IAEA)
° Technical Speaker, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)
° Chief Scientist & Quality Assurance Officer - URS Corporation
° Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah
° Visiting Professor of Physics, U.S. Military Academy, West Point
° Adjunct Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Utah
° Professor, Affiliate Faculty, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho
° Observer, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
° Member, ANS, ASME, ASEE, HPS, ASQ, Pi Tau Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Alpha Nu Sigma
° Commander, U.S. Naval Reserve - Retired (USNR)
° Fellow of the American Nuclear Society (ANS)
° Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME)


Male, Born 19 April 1936 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA, US Citizen

Technical and scientific support for industry, state, U.S. Federal government, and international agencies, universities, technical organizations, individuals
Applied Science Professionals-LLC (ASP / LLC),
S Corporation registered in Utah
P.O. Box 9052, Salt Lake City, Utah 84109-0052, USA

(ASP/LLC) 801 209-2691, (ASP/LLC Fax) 801 904-4100,
(residence) 801-273-0200


° Ph.D. Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Minor - Mathematics, University of Utah, 1964
° MBA Executive-Masters Degree in Business Administration, University of Utah, 1995
° M.S. Engineering Science, University of California Berkeley, 1961
° B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, 1960
° Postdoctoral Fellow, Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Fusion Program, Mass Institute of Technology, 1969 - 1970
° Sabbaticals: Technion University, Nuclear Engineering Department, Haifa, Israel, May - Jun 1986
Ben Gurion University-Negev, Nuclear Engineering Department, Beer Sheva, Israel, Jan-May 1986

Consultant to industry, state & U.S. Federal government, and international agencies, universities, technical organizations, individuals

Nuclear science & engineering, Risk management programs, Radioactive & hazardous waste management, Health physics,
Risk assessment and management, Nuclear reactor safety, Environmental / Radiological monitoring. Contaminated site & facility characterization & final status surveys (MARSSIM), Quality assurance audits

Consultant, Program Manager or Principal Investigator for over 50 Contracts & Grants totaling over $17 million.
Clients include DOE, DOD, EPA, EPRI, NIH, NRC, NSF, Utilities, Industry, State & Local Government

Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, Jul 1965 - 1997
Visiting Professor of Physics, U.S. Military Academy, Jul 2003 – Jun 2005
Nuclear Engineering, MIT, Sep 1969-Aug 1970
Visiting Professor, Nuclear Engineering Department, Ben Gurion University-Negev, Jan-Jun 1986

Publications in nuclear science, engineering, energy, health physics, and environmental sciences:
° 7 Books and Book chapters
° 203 refereed Journal, Proceedings, Conference & Transactions Articles
° 157 Technical Papers orally presented at Technical, Scientific, and Government Meetings
° 370 Technical Reports
° Developed 17 major Technical Computer Codes used in industry and by government agencies
° Participated in 201 Technical Meetings, Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Government Hearings

Listed in 45 directories and citations and honors including
° Who's Who in America, American Men & Women of Science, Who's Who in Atoms,
° Who's Who in Engineering, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Who's Who in the West,
° International Who's Who in Education, Who's Who in Nuclear Energy, Who's Who in the World
° Who’s Publishing in Science, Who’s Who in American Education, Who’s Who in the United States
° International Directory of Nuclear Criticality Safety, Who's Who Registry of Business Leaders
° International Directory of Nuclear Safety, Directory of World Researchers, National Faculty Directory