Applied Science Professionals LLC
A veteran
owned small business composed of a network of highly trained and
experienced professionals established in their field who can provide
clients with timely, focused, high quality, temporary services required
to resolve demanding, technical, scientific and regulatory requirements.
Applied Science Professionals (ASP) Offers a broad and diverse spectrum of capabilities, resources, credentials, professional licenses and experience.
ASP professionals provide high quality, specialized, focused services
that respond to each client's particular requirements and expectations.
of recent professional services include:
Risk Assessment for Nuclear Facilities from Aircraft
° Radioactive Site Characterization & Remediation
° Radioactive Waste Management & Disposal
° Final Status Surveys of Radioactive Sites
° Health Physics Support & Assessments
° Audits of LLWR Sites & QA Programs
° EPA-Risk Management Program Rule
° MARSSIM & Radiological Training
° Isotope Separation Studies
° ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program Development
° Documentation of Technical Procedures
° Technical Procedure Development, Documentation and Review
° NRC & State Radioactive Material Licensing and NOV response
Gary M. Sandquist (PDF)
Chris Y. Kimura (PDF)
Carl J. Sandquist (PDF)
Jay F. Kunze
° Business Administration
° Chemical Engineering
° Chemistry & Physics
° Civil Engineering
° Computer Code Development
° Electrical Engineering
° Environmental Engineering
° Geology & Geophysics
° Health Physics & Training Courses
° Industrial Engineering
° Industrial Safety & Hygiene
° Material Science & Engineering
° Mathematics & Statistics
° Nuclear Science & Engineering
° Radiological Sciences
° Structural Engineering
US EPA Risk Management Plans
° Safety and Risk Assessments
° Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)
° Environmental Assessments
° Environmental Impact Statements
° Regulatory Assistance & Liscensing
° Radioactive Waste Management
° Hazardous Waste Management
° Site Characterization & Remediation
° Decontamination & Decommissioning
° Technical Training and Support
° ASME / ANSI / ISO Standards
° MARSSIM Implementation
° Final Status Surveys
° NRC & State Nuclear Licensing
Registered Professional Engineer (PE)
(Civil, Nuclear, Mechanical, Structural)
° Certified Health Physicist (CHP)
° Radiation Protection Technologist
° US NRC Licensed Senior Reactor Operator
° Certified Safety Professional (CSP)
° Certified Quality Auditor (CQA)
° Environmental Specialist
° OSHA Health & Safety Training
° Diplomate: American Academy Enviromental Engineers
° Radiation Safety Officer
° ASME NQA-1 Lead QA Auditor
Applied Science Professionals, LLC
PO Box 9052, Salt Lake City, UT 84109-0052
Telephone: (801) 209-2691
Fax: (801) 904-4100